
Friday, February 4, 2011

The American Widow Project [rips my heart out].

I've spent some time lately reading over and learning the stories of our generation of military widows.  I have had goosebumps for a couple of hours now... I don't think they're going away any time soon.  So often we take for granted what we're blessed with.  My husband has been on a MEU deployment and a disaster relief deployment.  He'll soon be leaving for his next deployment, which is fortunately another MEU.  I have friends who have husbands who have been or are deployed in combat zones and I see their fear.  I've heard their fear.  I'm so sorry for the fear that they have to live through.  Even more so, though, I am sorry for those who are facing the reality of those fears.  I just cannot imagine.  I am going to try to not write too much, because I fear I may say something completely stupid, because like I said, I just cannot imagine.  I just don't know.  But I am so sorry.  I thank your SO's for their service and will continue to think of them and remember them.  I am so thankful for a project like the AWP, which brings stories of those lost to light.  They deserve at least that.

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