
Monday, December 13, 2010

Becoming who I am.

Over the past few years, slowly, I have realized that who I've been is NOT who I am.  Slowly, yet surely, I'm becoming who I believe I am meant to be.  I was baptized earlier this year and my relationship with God has grown immensely.  I have jumped head first into this new life and I feel that my marriage and my children have both benefited from this new person I have become.  I have also been dealing with my underlying traumas, from my childhood and young adulthood, and that too, I believe is playing a huge part into my "breaking the circle."

I have also come to a final decision to delete my networking addiction, being Facebook.  My husband has expressed many times his disliking for this website, and I have decided that it isn't important enough to cause fights in my life.

My photography business is slowly coming up to it's 1 year anniversary and I am so thrilled.  I cannot wait to grow even more, and meet so many more people, throughout my next year.

There's a lot to learn about myself and I figured what better way, than writing about myself?  I've tried this before and eventually it just drifted away.  I'm hoping this will be different.


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